Teachers » Newsletter




Annual Suicide Prevention and Awareness Training – Due 9/16/2024


Small Group Instruction:

Now that all teachers had the opportunity to review their students’ data, we will be starting our small group instruction no later than the week of September 23. (Some grade levels will be starting this week.) Students at all levels benefit from small group instruction if it is targeted, well planned, and engaging.


There needs to be multiple opportunities of small group instruction throughout the day. The first is during WIN academies for ELA and the second is the 30 minutes of additional time in math. Other opportunities for small group instruction can occur during ELD, writing, and reading…..This is good 1st instruction and not an intervention.


Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you and KUDOS to Claudia and Brenda for their hard work in putting together and running the book fair.


Tuesday Banked-Time PD and Staff Meeting

1:40 – 2:40 pm: PD – Assessments Informing Instruction: Use of iReady Tools (Please bring devices.)

2:40 – 3:30 pm: Wrapping up PD and Staff Meeting


Next Week: AMIRA Training (K-2) and Interim Assessment Training (3-5)


Perfect Attendance Awards

Students and classes will be recognized for Perfect Attendance during the morning assembly.


1st Period Progress Report Notifications

Students who have a 1 or a 2 for their grade at this time, Warning Notifications should be sent to their families by Friday, September 27. A copy has been attached along with a blank student list. Please complete and submit the names of the students to Mr. K by Friday, September 27.


Lock Down Drill

We have our first Lock Down Drill scheduled for this Thursday after lunch, around 1:00.

Please review procedures with students and to assure them that they are safe and what they need to do if they are outside the classroom (yard, another room, office, restroom, etc.)


A lockdown may be initiated by the school principal/designee, Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD), or local law enforcement when gunfire or other act of violence is identified and it is necessary to shield students from danger or prevent the attacker from entering the campus.


You will hear the following on the PA: Your attention, please. We have an emergency and need to implement a lockdown. Teachers are to lock classroom doors, cover all windows, and keep all students inside the classroom until further notice. Do not open the door until notified by an administrator or law enforcement. If outside, students and staff are to proceed inside to the nearest building or classroom.


During a lockdown, teachers will take the following actions:

  1. If inside, teachers will instruct students to stay away from doors and windows, lock all doors, sit on the floor (in some instances), cover all windows, including windows in and adjacent to doors, if it appears safe to do so.
  2. If outside, teachers will direct students to proceed to their classrooms if it is safe to do so. If not, teachers or staff will direct students into nearby classrooms or school buildings (e.g., auditorium, library, cafeteria, and gymnasium) and take the listed lockdown actions.
  3. Teachers are to account for any students with a cognitive disability who may not have understood the directions. Teachers are to take roll and notify the office (thru the schools’ What’s App.) of the number of students in the room with them and their names.
  4. Teachers and students will remain in the classroom or secured area with all doors and windows locked, windows covered, including windows in and adjacent to doors, lights off, and cell phones silenced until further instructions are given by the principal/designee or law enforcement.
  5. The school will use the What’s App to communicate any important updates until the Lockdown is lifted.




9/4       Mary Backos

9/5       Gina Debuque

9/6       Klara Shahnazarian

9/7       Xiadani Matadamos

9/12     Dorothy O’Connor

9/14     Abbie Khalili

9/17     Romeo Fonseca

9/30     Alicia Pizzi


Monday, September 16

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Kyung Lee-Kim (Music), Melissa Kishner (AP-EIS), Nurse Tina


7:55                 First Bell

8:00-810          Morning Assembly and Perfect Attendance

8:10-8:30         Breakfast in the Classroom

2:25                             Dismissal



Tuesday, September 17

At Sendak: Leticia Panduro, Laurie Bernhard (Alt. Tues.) Melissa Kishner (Alt. Tues.) Nurse Tina, Margaret Younan


7:55                 First Bell

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom

1:25                Dismissal

1:40-3:30         PD: Use of iReady Tools and Staff Meeting


Wednesday, September 18

At Sendak: Nurse Tina

Off Campus: G. Khatchadourian to Principals’ Meeting at LAVC


7:55                 First Bell

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom

2:25                Dismissal


Thursday, September 19       

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Cintia De Laura (Art), Leticia Panduro (Alt. Thu.) Cindy Lemus (PSA)


7:55                First Bell

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom

1:00                 Lock Down Drill* (Please review directions above.)

2:25                 Dismissal


Friday, September 20

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Nurse Tina, CFG 


7:55                    First Bell 

8:00-8:15          Breakfast in the Classroom 

2:25                    Dismissal 


Upcoming Important Dates:

October 3         Unassigned Day – School is Closed

October 15       School Picture Day

October 17       Student Success Awards

October 17       Great CA Shakeout


November 1     Fall Festival – Minimum Day (12:30 Dismissal)

November 5     Election Day

November 11   Veterans’ Day – School is Closed

Nov. 12-15       Parent Teacher Conference Week

Nov. 13-15       Minimum Days (12:30 Dismissal)

November 21   Student Success Awards

Nov. 25-29       Thanksgiving Week – School is Closed


December 5     Make-up Picture Day

December 12   School Winter Program

December 13   Last Day of 1st Semester – Minimum Day (12:30 Dismissal)

Dec. 16-18       Optional Winter Recess Academy

Dec.16 / Jan.3  Winter Break – School is Closed



6 Instructional Priorities:

  • Literacy – reading, writing, and speaking across all subjects
  • Numeracy – real world application of math concepts
  • Science – Integrating Next Generation Science Standards
  • Assessments informing instruction – DIBELs, DRDP, iReady, and SBA
  • Professional and Leadership Development – ILTs
  • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles


To ensure District-Wide coherence, the following 7 Teaching and Learning Framework elements will be the focus for professional development, PDSA, Instructional Rounds, and classroom observations.


1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency Uses information about students’ academic strengths and needs, language proficiency and social emotional wellness in planning.

2a3. Academic Climate The academic environment is safe and supportive; risk-taking is encouraged, students freely share their culture, language, and ideas, and student mistakes are treated as learning opportunities, never with ridicule.

3a4. Use of Academic Language Academic language is used to communicate and deepen understanding of the content and is inclusive of the culture and language of students.

3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation Techniques are used to ensure that all students share their thinking around challenging questions including strategies that affirm students’ culture and language.

3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities and Assignments Standards-aligned learning activities cognitively engage students in the lesson.

3c2. Purposeful and Productive Instructional Groups Students are grouped in order to promote productive cognitive engagement in the lesson.

3d3. Feedback to Students Students receive specific, culturally sensitive and timely feedback that will move their learning forward.


