Teachers » Newsletter




Happy New Year!! May 2025 bring you many moments of joy, success, and inspiration, just like you give to all our students!


iReady and DIBELS Assessments

Grade Level Data Digs are scheduled for the week of January 27.


ALL grade levels (K-5) administered the iReady Math to their students before the Winter Break. Thank you for ensuring that all students (who were present took the assessment).


Grades 3-5 also administered the iReady Reading to most of their students. There are some EL students who still need to take this assessment. Please complete this assessment by January 17th. We will be looking at the iReady Math Data during Psychomotor following the MLK weekend.


Although the window for DIBELS assessment for Grades K – 2 opened two weeks before the Winter Break, many of the classes opted to administer it after the winter break due to the Winter Program performances and rehearsals. Please complete administering the DIBELS assessment by Wednesday, January 22. The Data Digs and planning for Academies will be scheduled for the week after.


iReady MyPath: Math and ELA

Now that we are starting the new semester, please ensure that ALL students are doing their MyPath minutes (45-60 minutes of each Math and ELA) every week.


MyPath especially helps students who are below grade level. Teachers don’t have time to meaningfully differentiate instruction for individual students. MyPath does it……But like anything, it has to be monitored to ensure that students are on the right path to success….SO keep an eye on those studetns who are stuck or struggling with concepts.


Also, now that parents have access to iReady thru the Parent Portal, get their support to ensure student success.


I will provide you with weekly updates, as a reminder and a “nudge”.


Tuesday Banked-Time PD and Staff Meeting (1:40 – 2:40)

This Week: Grade Level Planning

Next Week: Building Digital Citizenship (including Staff Meeting)


School Site Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, at 2:40 pm in the library.

Agenda will be 2025 – 2026 budget.




1/11     Fatima Muraj

1/13     Karine Saakyan

1/23     Claudia Lozano

1/29     Amanda Anguiano


Monday, January 6

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Kyung Lee-Kim (Music), Melissa Kishner (AP-EIS), Nurse Tina


7:55                  First Bell

8:00-810            Morning Assembly

8:10-8:30          Breakfast in the Classroom

2:25                   Dismissal


Tuesday, January 7

At Sendak: Leticia Panduro, Laurie Bernhard (Alt. Tues.) Melissa Kishner (Alt. Tues.) Nurse Tina, Margaret Younan


7:55                 First Bell

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom

1:25                 Dismissal

1:40-2:40         PD: Grade Level Planning



Wednesday, January 8

At Sendak: Nurse Tina


7:55                 First Bell

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom

2:25                 Dismissal

2:40                 School Site Council meeting in the Library


Thursday, January 9

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Cintia De Laura (Art), Leticia Panduro (Alt. Thu.) Cindy Lemus (PSA)

Off Campus: G.Khatchadourian to New Principals’ Academy


7:55                First Bell

8:00-8:15        Breakfast in the Classroom

2:25                Dismissal


Friday, January 10

At Sendak: Laurie Bernhard, Nurse Tina, CFG 


7:55                    First Bell 

8:00-8:15         Breakfast in the Classroom 

2:25                Dismissal


Upcoming Important Dates:

January 6         2nd Semester Begins

January 20       MLK Day – School is Closed

January 23       Student Success Awards


February 17     Presidents’ Day – School is Closed

February 27     Student Success Awards


March 3-7         Parent Conferences

March 5-7         Minimum Days

March 11          Spring Picture Day

March 31          Cesar Chavez Day – School is Closed


April 3              Student Success Awards

April 10            Bring Your Parents to School Day

April 14-18       Spring Break – School is Closed

April 24            Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day


May 5               Smarter Balanced Assessment Starts

May 13             5th Grade Panorama Picture Day

May 22             Students Success Awards

May 26             Memorial Day – School is Closed

June 6             Minimum Day

June 9             5th Grade Culmination – Minimum Day

June 10           Last Day of Instruction


6 Instructional Priorities:

  • Literacy – reading, writing, and speaking across all subjects
  • Numeracy – real world application of math concepts
  • Science – Integrating Next Generation Science Standards
  • Assessments informing instruction – DIBELs, DRDP, iReady, and SBA
  • Professional and Leadership Development – ILTs
  • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles


To ensure District-Wide coherence, the following 7 Teaching and Learning Framework elements will be the focus for professional development, PDSA, Instructional Rounds, and classroom observations.


1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency Uses information about students’ academic strengths and needs, language proficiency and social emotional wellness in planning.

2a3. Academic Climate The academic environment is safe and supportive; risk-taking is encouraged, students freely share their culture, language, and ideas, and student mistakes are treated as learning opportunities, never with ridicule.

3a4. Use of Academic Language Academic language is used to communicate and deepen understanding of the content and is inclusive of the culture and language of students.

3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation Techniques are used to ensure that all students share their thinking around challenging questions including strategies that affirm students’ culture and language.

3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities and Assignments Standards-aligned learning activities cognitively engage students in the lesson.

3c2. Purposeful and Productive Instructional Groups Students are grouped in order to promote productive cognitive engagement in the lesson.

3d3. Feedback to Students Students receive specific, culturally sensitive and timely feedback that will move their learning forward.

